Side-splitting show of satire

MAKING fun of the country’s politics is a popular pastime, but no one does it so brilliantly as Anthony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, the writers of Yes Prime Minister, which is at Milton Keynes Theatre from Monday.

In the new production, Prime Minister Jim Hacker (Graham Seed) and Cabinet Secretary Sir Humphrey Appleby (Michael Simkins) lead the co-alition governed country as it hovers on the brink of economic crisis.

The only grain of hope glimmers in the form of the Foreign Minister of Kumranistan who has a ‘dodgy human rights record’.

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Michael Simkins, who admits he has not performed at Milton Keynes’ ‘lovely’ theatre before, said: “This is an entirely original play, by the writers of the TV show but it’s not a homage to a dusty old TV series. It’s up–to–date, all about the Eurozone crashing, Rupert Murdoch and global warming. People will recognise the flavour of the TV series but it packs a slightly harder punch. Comedy was gentler 30 years ago whereas now political satires are much more savage and cutting edge, and the production reflects that.”

Former Mamma Mia and Chicago actor Simkins stresses the play is not all ‘political philosophy’, but says the local MPs from each place they visit on tour always go along to watch. He said: “The Conservatives think it’s a lampoon of Labour and Labour think it’s a lampoon of the Conservatives and so on, but they all recognise it’s the world that they inhabit.”

He describes his character as ‘deliciously devious’ and ‘very mocking of the Prime Minister, tangling him up in knots.’

He said: “If you want a good laugh, come along and watch. It’s an extremely uproarias evening, as it does descend into farce in the second half. There’s nothing better than hearing a whole audience laugh as one, and that’s exactly what this play does.”

Yes Prime Minister is on from Monday 26th march - Thursday 29th March, for tickets call Box Office: 0844 871 7652