Floods in Caddington cause chaos

FLOODING in Caddington is causing problems for motorists this morning.

Drivers are having to make their way through deep puddles across the entire road, with queues of traffic creating delays.

A Central Bedfordshire spokesperson said the situation is not bad enough to warrant the attention of the emergency services, but suggested emergency planning websites for motorists who are worried about travelling.

See the Flooding Guide from Central Bedfordshire Council:

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www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/Images/110826%20CBC%20Flood%20Guide%202011%20final%20v1%200%20low%20res_tcm6-21951.pdf#search=”flood guide”

or “What would you do if..?” website giving help advice for people on what to do in an emergency


There’s a section on flood protection under the Protect Your Family www.bllrf.org.uk/get_informed/rp_flood_plan.php

There is also The Environment Agency’s Floodline: 0845 988 1188 which is a 24-hour national number for people to ring on anything to do with flooding; all calls are charged at local rate.

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The Environment Agency’s Website has a special section on floods www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods.

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