Promoting the value of timebanking role

by Sue Palmer from the Volunteer Centre at Bossard House, West Street, Leighton Buzzard

Many of us enjoy mulling over New Year’s Resolution ideas, and for most the focus is self-improvement. So it may come as a surprise that we here at the Volunteer Centre can help you with some of the more typical ones.

For example, if you are hoping for a ‘New Year, new career’, volunteering can give you opportunity to experience your desired profession before you take the plunge.

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Or you might resolve to get out and help a charity close to your heart. We can match your interests/skills to a role that would suit to ensure you get the most out of volunteering.

Hundreds of us will have resolved (again) to shed the excess pounds this January, but the gym can seem like hard work with slow results when you first start out, so maybe you could consider instead volunteering in an outdoor, physical role. You get to keep your dignity whilst keeping active, helping to maintain our beautiful countryside.

Conservation tasks are usually only once per week or per fortnight, so you can start gently and reap the satisfaction of a job well done.

Or maybe you will resolve to get out and make a few new friends, which can be a wonderful bi-product of volunteering; friendships made when mucking-in for a common cause are usually strong and long-lasting.

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For those who resolve to have a long-lasting impact on their community this year, this spring sees the arrival of timebanking in Central Bedfordshire. This popular exchange of community assistance, skills and talents, where the value is placed on your time, not the service you are offering, is on the increase.

If you like the idea of a strong community that shares its resources, looks after its neighbours and values the skills and knowledge of all, regardless of age or background, timebanking is for you. We are looking for local champions to help us in 2015. So whether you resolve to get fit, start a new career, make friends, or get involved in a new project, pop in and have a chat or call 01525 850559.