VIP opening for new hospice facilities

Keech chief executive Mike Keel with Lady DixonKeech chief executive Mike Keel with Lady Dixon
Keech chief executive Mike Keel with Lady Dixon
Keech Hospice Care has a brand new reception, kitchen and dining area – thanks to a generous donation from The Valiant Trust.
The charity also has a new family sitting room and overnight stay facility, adjacent to the adult hospice, which was funded by a grant from the Department of Health. 
The two projects were completed simultaneously to reduce disruption and increase cost effectiveness.
Officially opening the new area, Lady Valerie Dixon of The Valiant Trust said she was delighted the Trust could help make it happen.

Keech chief executive Mike Keel (pictured above with Lady Dixon) expressed his thanks and said: “The reception area is incredibly important . . . the new refurbishment gives a professional yet warm feel to reassure people coming for the first time. It is also spacious and easy to use.”