Luton waiting for the results of striker Collins' coronavirus test ahead of Lions trip

James Collins is awaiting his results of coronavirus testJames Collins is awaiting his results of coronavirus test
James Collins is awaiting his results of coronavirus test
Town boss Jones unsure whether forward will be available for clash at the New Den

Luton boss Nathan Jones is still waiting for the results of a coronavirus test on leading scorer James Collins ahead of tomorrow night’s trip to Millwall.

The forward was missing from the squad for Saturday’s 2-0 defeat against Stoke City, with Jones eager to cool any speculation surrounding his absence, revealing it was down to a possible case of Covid-19.

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Giving an update to the press this afternoon, Jones said: “Ironically we are awaiting the results on a priority test.

“It’s very strange at the minute, but we’re just waiting for the labs to come back to us as we did have a priority test for first thing this morning, but they haven’t come back yet.”

Whether Collins does test positive or not, Jones confirmed the club has everything in place to ensure that no other players within the squad will be forced to sit out as well.

He continued: “Everything else is done in terms of GPS and distancing, so it doesn't affect anyone else.

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“We’ve done all those things so we have got good protocols in places here.

"When someone affects something, then those who are in his direct vicinity, we have a testing machine and everyone was tested in terms of for an antibody test.

"We’re clean apart from that, so we’re just waiting for certain things.

“We have got a priority test, so all we can do is wait.”

On the kind of testing apparatus that Luton possess to make sure their playing personnel are healthy, Jones added: “It’s a machine that guides us into testing them to gold standard.

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"The gold standard if you want pure clarification has to be the one that we use.

"You have to do a swab test and we have a machine that can tell if people are having kind of symptoms, so we’ve done that, which has led us to a certain level where we’ve needed to go and get a swab test and we’re just waiting on the priority results.

“It'a gold standard one (machine) I wouldn't say it’s regular as it’s the one that the Premier League use and the one the EFL trusts.

"If they say you’re positive then you get pulled from the game, or training, or isolation or whatever it is, so it’s the gold standard one.”